Studley High School is a comprehensive school where a unique partnership exists between staff, parents, pupils and our wider community. We are proud of our school and the education and opportunities we offer. We promote excellence in all that we do so that everyone at Studley High school can support the school aims.
- We believe in high expectations for all members of the school community.
- We believe students should develop an enthusiasm for learning and that they should willingly seek to gain knowledge and understanding about the world around them.
- We believe students should be provided with the guidance, information and resources necessary to help them learn.
- We believe it is our duty to teach students the skills necessary for effective and efficient learning.
- We believe that students should develop a sense of pride in themselves and their school, so that they always aim to achieve the highest possible standards of work in all subjects.
- We believe that we should create an environment that fosters the personal qualities, skills and self-confidence necessary for success in their chosen career and personal life.
- We believe in developing high levels of self-esteem, self-confidence and resilience in our students.
- We believe that students should develop a sense of respect for themselves, other individuals and their environment.
- We believe in promoting high levels of wellbeing for all.
- We believe in demonstrating the Studley Values in the students’ day to day experience.
- We believe students can accept responsibility for their own behaviour.
- We believe in restorative interventions that support students, reflecting on decisions they have made and helps develop effective character and learning habits.
- We believe that behaviour and conduct that goes ‘above and beyond’ should be acknowledged and rewarded.
- We believe every student can meet our expectations.
- We celebrate when students demonstrated evidence of the following key values: independence, resilience, aspiration, creativity, adaptability, charity, selflessness and maturity.
We believe that these aims are more likely to be achieved if there is togetherness/partnership between the school, the students and the parents based on mutual trust, respect and understanding.