Congratulations to the class of 2024! This cohort has, again, surpassed our expectations by achieving phenomenal GCSE grades which places us in the top 16% of all schools Nationally. We are so proud of what our young people have achieved – it’s a true reflection of their hard work, determination and resilience.
We would also like to thank our fantastic staff who have supported and nurtured our young people, enabling them to fulfil their potential. We are beyond proud that 86.5% of students achieved Maths GCSE grade 4+ and 84.2% of students achieved English GCSE 4+ with an overall Progress 8 score of 0.52, which means that, on average, students achieve half a grade more at Studley when compared to all schools Nationally. 76.6% of students achieved at least 5 GCSE passes including English and Maths. Their Attainment 8 score of 51.64 means that our average grade across all subjects was a 5 which is a ‘strong pass’ at GCSE.
These grades are an important stepping stone for students to realise their future aspirations, and it is with pride that we have seen the vast majority of our year 11 cohort achieve a place at their chosen post-16 destination, studying a vast array of different subjects. It is amazing hearing about how they have secured their chosen pathway and are able to pursue subjects their GCSEs ignited a passion for. We have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with students and we look forward to being kept up to date with their future achievements.
Whilst we are proud of all students, we want to share the names of some of our highest achievers…

Our top 5 students in terms of attainment are listed below:

Jacob T (securing four grade 9s, five grade 8s and one grade 7)

Daisy A

Millie P

Lily R

Rebecca D

These students were the top 5 in terms of progress:

Alfie C (achieved nearly 3 and a half grades more than National Average)

Sam W

Sam C

Zoe W

Eve C


GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to the class of 2023 who have done exceptionally well with their GCSE results! This cohort has again outperformed all previous cohorts who have sat external exams. This year group’s overall performance was significantly above national average which is testament to their hard work and determination. We would also like to thank our fantastic staff who have, yet again, gone above and beyond to support our students in fulfilling their potential. We are beyond proud that 87.2% of students achieved Maths GCSE grade 4+ and 84.5% of students achieved English GCSE 4+ with an overall Progress 8 score of 0.41, which means that, on average, students nearly do half a grade better at Studley when compared to all schools Nationally. 77% of students achieved at least 5 GCSE passes including English and Maths. Their Attainment 8 score of 50.43 means that our average grade across all subjects was a 5 which is a ‘strong pass’ at GCSE.

Most importantly, we are delighted to announce that the vast majority of students have gained entry to their preferred post 16 destination and can follow their preferred pathway which they have spent so long planning for. It was an immense privilege to celebrate with students as they realised their hard work had enabled them to take their next step. We hope that students stay in touch and keep us updated on their future achievements.

It is clear that students at Studley High School have done very well across all subjects with fantastic progress being made from KS2 to KS4. The cohort’s performance at KS2 was slightly below the national average, making their significantly above average GCSE performance even more impressive!

Our top 5 students in terms of attainment are listed below:

Johanan A (securing five grade 9s, three grade 8s, one grade 7 and a Level 2 Distinction)
Lola O
Benji P
Poppy G
Daniel P

These students were the top 5 in terms of progress:

Ellie-Mae S performed, on average, 3 grades better than similar students nationally.
Johanan A
Benji P
Sydney S
Toby K

GCSE Results 2022

Congratulations to the class of 2022 who have done exceptionally well with their GCSE results, outperforming all previous cohorts who have sat external exams. This year group’s overall performance was significantly above national average which is testament to their hard work in the face of COVID and all of the disruption they have endured as a result. We are beyond proud that 83.2% of students achieved Maths GCSE grade 4+ and 86% of students achieved English GCSE 4+ with an overall Progress 8 score of 0.37. 75.5% of students achieved at least 5 GCSE passes including English and Maths. Their Attainment 8 score of 52.57 means that our average grade across all subjects was a 5 which is a ‘strong pass’ at GCSE.

Most importantly, we are delighted to announce that the vast majority of students have gained entry to their preferred post 16 destination. It was an immense privilege to celebrate with students as they realised their hard work had enabled them to take their next step. We look forward to hearing about their future achievements.

Whilst we wait for the full national picture in terms of attainment and progress to be confirmed, it is clear that students at Studley High School have done very well across all subjects with fantastic progress being made from KS2 to KS4. The cohort’s performance at KS2 was slightly below the national average, making their above average GCSE performance even more impressive.

Our top 5 students in terms of attainment are listed below:

Harriet Tracey achieved seven grade 9s, two grade 8s and one grade 7.
Zarinah Kassamali
Alexander Wheate
Toby Emmerson
Poppy Ritchie

These students were the top 5 in terms of progress:

Freya Richardson performed, on average, 3.5 grades better than similar students nationally.
Sophie Lloyd-Lucas
Daisy Hemming
Sophie Harris
Elizabeth Foxall

We would also like to congratulate our fantastic teaching staff who supported the cohort to achieve their very best.


We are extremely proud of the achievements of the class of 2020. In very difficult circumstances, every student was awarded the grades that their hard work, effort and commitment to their studies deserved. It was fantastic to see the Year 11 cohort on results day and we were absolutely delighted that their achievements meant that students accessed their next steps into Post 16 education, whether that be at sixth forms, colleges or apprenticeships.
We wish every student the best of luck for their future and we know that the young people they have developed into, will lead to successful pathways ahead of them.


The class of 2019 have achieved excellent GCSE results overall. The percentage of students gaining grade 4+ in GCSEs is significantly above national average and we are delighted that 84% of students achieved Maths GCSE grade 4+ and 83% of students achieved English GCSE 4+ with a Progress 8 score of 0.252 and an Attainment 8 score of 48.67.
The vast majority of students have gained entry to their preferred post 16 destination and it has been a great pleasure to see them enjoying their achievements.
It will be a few weeks until we get the full picture in terms of attainment and progress nationally but it is clear that students at Studley High School have done very well across subjects with fantastic progress being made from KS2 to KS4.
78.5% of students gained GCSE grades 4+ and 58.7% at 5+. These are excellent results and students should be very proud of their achievements.
In terms of overall progress and attainment the following students have done exceptionally well;
Rajpreet Kalsi
Courtney Lightfoot
Lucy Scragg
Zac George
Oliver Taylor
Maxwell Hicking
Sarah Randle
Will Heaselgrave
Faye Foster
Mary Thacker
Sofia Rowe
Faye Foster
Nathan Weir
Kate Gural
Katherine Braby
Pass rates in many subjects have also exceeded expectation with History, Geography, Art, Drama, PE, Food and Nutrition, RE, Music and ICT achieving excellent results.
We look forward to sharing the full picture when outcomes are finalised and national data is published.

Please follow the link to the DFE performance tables:
