Our vision for Pastoral care at Studley High School
At Studley High School, pastoral care is the provision our school makes to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of students. We believe it is the essential foundation upon which learning can take place and it forms an essential part of our ‘Studley DNA’. We pride ourselves on our relationships with young people, links with home and the overall experience that each child has at this school.
All staff at Studley High School have a pastoral and safeguarding responsibility and understand that high standards of pastoral care go far further than a basic commitment to welfare, with pastoral care extending to every aspect of school life in order to foster students’ personal development as much as their academic progress.
We believe that good pastoral care in school is also fundamental to the development of character and social skills, which will be of critical importance to students in later life.
At Studley High School, we have a holistic approach to pastoral care: a whole school vision that aims to improve learners’ attendance, and to foster an atmosphere that is conducive for learning and promotes tolerance, resilience, fairness and equal opportunities for all, with due regard for protected characteristics. Such an approach to pastoral care should eliminate racism, inequality, discrimination and other hindrances to learning, to create an ethos that culminates in engagement and academic achievement of learners.
Below you will find information regarding our pastoral system. For more information regarding your child, in a pastoral sense, please contact their form tutor.
The role of our Heads of Year:
Our Heads of Year provide pastoral and behavioural support for all students within a specific year group, to maximise their achievement and attainment across the school. They work closely with our Pastoral Managers to ensure this.
Heads of Year:
Mr A Howitt
Head of Year 11
Mrs L Blackford-Taylor
Head of Year 10
Mr J Sidhu
Head of Year 9
Mr M Omerod
Head of Year 8
Mrs C Williams
Head of Year 7
The role of our Pastoral Managers
At Studley High School, each student belongs to a House (please see relevant section on website for further details). Each Year includes a tutor team, Head of Year and a Pastoral Manager.
Our Pastoral Managers help ensure that students are able to learn and make progress in lessons and develop the necessary skills to overcome friendship issues and other problems. They support the form tutors and Heads of Year and liaise closely with parents and support agencies where necessary. Each Pastoral Manager is also a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
To discuss pastoral concerns with a Pastoral Manager, please contact (via the school office):
Pastoral Managers:
Ms L Lakin - Senior Pastoral Manager, Pastoral for Year 11 | [email protected] | |
Mrs D Guest, Pastoral Manager Year 10 | [email protected] | |
Mrs L Skinner, Pastoral Manager Year 9 | [email protected] | |
Mrs C Stanway, Pastoral Manager Year 8 | [email protected] | |
Mrs S Smith Pastoral Manager, Year 7 | [email protected] |
The Student Support Centre
The Student Support Centre works alongside the Pastoral Support Team. Students who may be following an integration/reintegration personalised programme or who have been introduced to the SSC by other members of the Pastoral support Team are offered the following:
- A calm and quiet place in which to work.
- An opportunity to totally focus on their individual work.
- A welcoming, friendly, positive and supportive environment in which to work.
- An opportunity to discuss any worries or problems that they may be experiencing.
- A small number of students meet during break and lunch times.
- Counselling and mentoring.
- Opportunities for students to work 1:1 or in small groups, where need is identified, to address specific difficulties, using an individual approach to learning. Interventions are evidenced based and supported by external professional guidance.
Students who are unable to access lessons for physical reasons (e.g fractured limbs), are reintegrating back into school after a long period of absence or are unable to cope with the demands of lessons, in terms of appropriate learning behaviour, may spend some time here. All work is set and marked by the student’s teachers. We ensure that this work is completed and also offers support and guidance with regard to learning behaviour, strategies for reintegration etc.
Those students who find the hustle and bustle of the playground overwhelming and/or too noisy at free association time are welcomed into the Student Support Centre where they can spend quiet time with their peers’ playing games, talking etc.
We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
The school aims to ensure that:
- Appropriate action is taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children’s welfare
- All staff are aware of their statutory responsibilities with respect to safeguarding
- Staff are properly training in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues
Click here for our Child Protection Policy
If you have concerns that are of a safeguarding nature, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Pastoral Managers (all of whom are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads) and/or Mr M Maudsley (Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead).