In order for any school to continue to be successful or to improve further it is essential that rigorous evaluations and reviews take place. All staff at Studley High School are involved in evaluating areas including exam results, quality of teaching, rewards and behaviour systems as well as attendance and enrichment. On this page you will find our school development Plan for 2022-23. The plan aims to focus on key areas we need to improve to enhance the experience for students and staff.

This year we will be focusing closely on attainment and progress for all students.  Clearly, this is something all schools should be doing all of the time. However, we have articulated some very challenging targets and systems to monitor and evaluate student performance to ensure we help students get all that they can from their lessons. We are modifying our schemes of work across all department areas so that they fully support students in building on prior knowledge with clear sequencing and enrichment beyond exam specifications.

In terms of our focus on teaching and learning we will also be implementing and embedding evidence-based practice to support students in their learning. This includes metacognition and further work on memory and recall as well as continually developing key aspects of literacy.

We will also be focussing on attendance within the school. We have excellent attendance rates as a school but there is always room for further improvement, and we want to reduce the proportion of students with less than 90% attendance to below 8% and increase whole school attendance to reach 96%.

As well as results we will also focus on the development of ‘Studley Values’ within students and key skills and attributes such as leadership, independence, resilience, understanding and respect. We will continue to develop the rewards and sanctions system to ensure better processes for supporting students. We are also starting to develop the ‘Studley experience’. The idea being that we have an offer mapped out where all students experience a range of cultural, sporting etc opportunities at their time at Studley High school and that parents can see where these opportunities arise across the five years.

In recent years we have made excellent progress in supporting our students who are eligible for pupil premium. Nationally there is a large gap between disadvantaged students and their peers in terms of attendance, exam results and pathways to post 16. Our outcomes for this group of students have improved considerably and are now in line with national figures for all students. We aim to continue this progress by making sure all students have every opportunity to succeed.

We are also focusing on the development of literacy and numeracy along with a ‘fine focus’ on the skills needed to apply and evaluate knowledge. Our students need to be able to communicate effectively and with confidence, both orally and through written word. Improving this further will allow students to access new specifications in the coming years.

We are also working hard to secure further funding to renovate key areas of the school including the ‘drama hut’ and the changing rooms.

We are also committed to building a Multi Academy Trust with other local schools to provide future stability for the local community as well increased clarity for routes through the local education system.

If parents would like to contribute ideas for further improvements, then please email [email protected] outlining proposals.