Assemblies are constantly reviewed and adapted to deal with national, local and school issues. Assemblies offer benefits to students whereby they receive consistent information and become familiar with Pastoral Heads of Year, Heads of House and Senior Leaders.
Some of the key significance of assemblies for our students:

  • Develop a feeling of being united and promoting our ethos and ‘Studley DNA’
  • Understand the school systems, such as sanction and rewards
  • Promote student awareness of ‘protected characteristics
  • Promote core school values and positive behaviours
  • Learn valuable lessons/social discipline
  • Confidence building and preparing students for ‘life beyond Studley’ including leadership opportunities

Assemblies are organised on a rotational basis and allow key staff to speak to the whole school on issues that they are passionate about, while also helping us to deliver our school ethos and values. The student leadership team also conduct assemblies and this offers them the opportunity to communicate to peers, improve self-confidence and model positive behaviour for others.

Assembly Rota:

House Assemblies will take place every once or twice every term and these will be attended separately by Key Stage 3 (7/8/9) and Key Stage 4 students (10/11).
Celebration assemblies take place once a term in which we celebrate collectively as a Year Group/house. Whole school competitions are run throughout the year and led by the Head of House team.

Head of Year Assemblies ensure that students at Studley High School show tolerance, understanding and respect. They are able to challenge stereotypes and support others. These topics are covered specifically in our Assembly Schedule and are drawn from our ‘Spiralised SPE curriculum’ to ensure we deliver age-related themes. We also place great emphasis on re-iterating students understanding of Protected Characteristics and how this can relate to our school context and staff and student well-being.

SLT Assemblies emphasises our zero-tolerance approach to derogatory language and intimidating behaviour. School assemblies cover a range of important issues surrounding contemporary themes linked to our Studley Values and we adapt our delivery to ensure that we overcome specific local trends/concerns within our community.
We have embedded SPE themes in the heart our curriculum, tutor schedule, assembly schedule, SPE Enrichment Days and Extra-Curricular Programme eg LGBTQ+ group.