The Chair of our Local Governing Body is Caroline Taylor. The Chair can be contacted through the clerk to SHS LGB Nic Purslow [email protected]

Business Register of Interests

Register of Interests 23- 24

Register of Business & Pecuniary Interests 22- 23 Jan23

Members of the Local Governing Body (LGB):

Remit and Responsibilities of LGB:

The powers and functions delegated by the Shires Multi Academy Trust Board to the LGB are set out in detail in the Shires Multi Academy Trust’s Scheme of Delegation and includes the following:

1. To oversee the running of the academies in terms of learning, standards, safety and wellbeing.

2. Ensure that the wellbeing of students is maintained through, for example:

      • student attendance and monitoring systems, enabling access to education
      • effective arrangements for Child Protection and Safeguarding
      • meeting the statutory requirements relating to equality legislation

3. Ensure a high quality curriculum.

4. To ensure that the Academy or Academies are conducted in accordance with the objects of the Trust, the terms of any trust governing the use of the land which is used for the purposes of an Academy, any agreement entered into with the Secretary of State for the funding of the Academy or Academies and these Terms of Reference.

5. To support effective financial systems and processes within the academy.
6. To act as a critical friend to the Headteacher.
7. To support the development and maintenance of a highly effective staff body.
8. Ensure effective Monitoring and Evaluation of school provision.
9. Ensure effective Health and Safety systems and processes within the academy.

Attendance 2023/24 to date:No of meetings attendance/possible number

Mr Richard Eost 3/3Mrs Caroline Taylor 3/3Mrs Rebekah Morland 2/3Mrs Karen Hanson 2/3Mrs Ella Whitehouse 3/3Mrs Laura O’Donnell 2/3Mr David Marshall 3/3Wendy Roberts 3/3Mr Neil Robinson 2/2

Attendance 2022/23 to date:
No of meetings attendance/possible numberMr Richard Eost 6/6Mr Neil Robinson 6/6Mrs Caroline Taylor 6/6Mrs Rebekah Morland 6/6Mrs Karen Hanson 6/6Mrs Ella Whitehouse 6/6Mrs Laura O’Donnell 4/6Mr David Marshall 4/6Wendy Roberts 3/4

Delegation Scheme (Shires MAT)
Shires TOR 6.9.23
Governance & Trustee Information | Shires MAT