Rewards and Sanctions
Through the Rewards and Sanction system, the School will endeavour to:
- Make explicit the philosophy underlying the school’s system of rewards, sanctions and pastoral provision,
- Encourage staff to recognise and praise good behaviour as well as dealing with poor
behaviour, and to ensure that sanctions, when needed, are appropriate and applied in a fair and consistent manner, - Ensure that staff, students and parents know, and understand the reasons for, the school rules and code of conduct.
Students are rewarded as individuals, as part of a group and as part of their house, thus fostering a tangible sense of belonging, healthy competitiveness and group achievement.
Students earn positive points (House points) for their house in one of the following ways:
- Consistent positive attitude to learning earning house points
- Progress/Attainment in a subject through certificate nomination
- 100% attendance through certificate nomination
- A magic moment within a lesson rewarded with house points and/or postcards
- Promoting Studley values rewarded with postcards
All departments also run challenges/competitions throughout the year through which more positive points can be earned for their house.
Sanction System
At Studley High School, we believe in a restorative approach that supports young people in making better choices and to display positive behaviours. The vast majority of our students behave very well and will rarely receive any significant level of sanction. The information below gives an overview of some common sanctions used by the school. These are not exhaustive and do not include arrangements made by agreement with parents/carers to support an individual student. We make no apologies for our high standards and holding young people (and parents/carers) accountable for their behaviour.
Rewards and Sanctions
In-Lesson behaviour is reflected in our ‘4-step process’. Transparency for students (Assembly) and Staff (CPD) ensure consistency in behaviour protocols.