How does our use of data link to the Studley DNA?
Assessment is a crucial part of teaching and learning. The main aim of assessment is to help all students become better learners and increase their confidence, motivation and independence in the learning process, whilst upholding high expectations of every student regardless of their ability. We want to promote excellence from every student whatever their starting point.
The purpose of each assessment should always be clear and teachers should have shared a clear picture of what students are expected to master at any given stage of the curriculum with the students they teach. Before an assessment takes place, the teacher should be clear about the function they want that assessment to perform and how they are going to use the data generated to improve teaching and learning. In essence, every assessment conducted in school should have a direct positive impact on the academic progress of the students we teach, helping them to become independent and resilient learners.
The data we send home should communicate to parents that we care about the progress your children make. We want you to trust that we will always use the data generated in school to act in the best interests of your child.
Assessment at KS3:
Here is a recent video explaining how students are assessed at KS3:
At KS3, we use a student’s starting point to select an appropriate pathway for that child:
- Emerging Pathway – students who were below the National Average at KS2. These students may need more support during KS3 to make the necessary progress.
- Secure Pathway – students who are in-line with or slightly above average at KS2.
- Advanced Pathway – students who are significantly above average at KS2.
At the beginning of their secondary school journey, students are equipped with the building blocks for a successful KS4; they are given a foundation of knowledge and the chance to develop the skills needed for lifelong learning. Therefore, our approach to assessment at KS3 measures both knowledge and the acquisition of skills throughout their 3 year KS3. Progress is always measured from a student’s starting point as ‘success’ is different for all.
During each unit of work, students will complete a ‘Formative’ assessment which will inform the teacher’s planning. At the end of the unit, students will complete a ‘Diagnostic’ assessment which will assess their progress with both skills and knowledge. Students will be told whether their current work is ‘AT’ expected level, ‘ABOVE’ expected level or ‘BELOW’ expected level. Teachers and students will use this information to identify areas of strength and weakness. In each KS3 assessment, previously learnt content is interleaved so that students can remember more information in the long term.
At the end of KS3 (year 9, summer term), students will sit GCSE-style examinations which will be used to identify their starting points for their GCSE courses in the autumn term of year 10.
Assessment at KS4:
At KS4, students are given a target grade for each of their subjects. These target grades are based on a student’s KS2 performance but they are aspirational grades to push students to achieve their very best. Students are assessed in a similar way to KS3 as teachers use both ‘Formative’ and ‘Diagnostic’ assessments to inform planning and monitor progress. Throughout KS4, students measure their current working at grades against their target grades to assess how well they are progressing.
Students complete mock exams at the end of year 10. This is so that we gain a clear idea of how well students are performing and can plan any necessary intervention for year 11. It also helps them to gain a real experience of what they are expected to do in their final GCSEs. Students then go on to complete mock exams at the end of the autumn term of year 11.
How do we assess a student’s attitude to learning?
Teachers will assess your child’s effort in class, their homework and behaviour. Teachers will use ClassCharts and their experience of being in the classroom to make these decisions.
Effort in class | Homework | Behaviour | |
Excellent | Work always completed to the best of ability, often exceeding expectations. | Homework is always completed on time and to the best of ability, often going above and beyond the expectations set.
Always punctual, focused, polite, well-mannered and courteous. Behaviour is conducive to the learning of themselves and others. |
Good | Work always completed to the best of ability and in line with expectations. | Homework is always completed on time and meets the expectations set. | Rarely late, focuses on work, generally polite, well-mannered and courteous. Behaviour shows a positive attitude to learning. |
Inconsistent | Work is mostly completed to the best of ability but there are times when their work falls below expectations. | Homework mostly completed to a good standard but this is inconsistent. Most deadlines are met but consequences may have been given for late homework. | Can arrive on time, be polite and behave appropriately (as above) but this is not consistent. Sanctions may have been applied. |
Improvement needed | Work generally completed but rarely meets expectations and can be off task. | Homework generally attempted, sometimes incomplete, maybe late, and not always to the best of their ability. Debits will have been given. | Some sanctions applied. There is occasional lateness, some chattiness and they need reminding of expectations. Behaviour is generally on-task but reminders need to be given. |
Cause for concern | Work rarely completed, slow to start, often off task. | Homework not completed on a regular basis, often late, debits given. | Constantly late, consistently interrupting T & L, regular teacher intervention leading to regular application of sanctions. |
How often do we report home?
Every year group receives three reports each year. One of these reports includes a comment from the form tutor which identifies overall strengths and areas for improvement.
At KS3, the reports will show you whether or not your child is currently working at expected level in each of their subjects. Subject teachers will also grade your child’s attitude to learning.
At KS4, the reports will show you what grade your child is currently working at and the grade teachers predict your child will get at the end of KS4. When reporting these grades, we break each grade down into 3:
- To award the whole grade, a student must have achieved the grade consistently and be secure across all skills that are assessed.
- To award a + the student MUST:
- Be consistently in that grade boundary (as above).
- Have the potential to get into the next grade boundary in the near future.
- To award a – the student MUST:
- Have consistently achieved the grade below.
- Have achieved some marks in the grade boundary but they are not consistently there.
The three stages in a grade boundary allow students to see progress. At GCSE in particular, it may sometimes feel as if little progress is being made when in fact, huge progress is being made with key skills.
Subject teachers will also grade your child’s attitude to learning as explained above.