Choosing your subjects

Year 9 pupils will be asked to choose optional subjects.  For many this is the first important decision they will make regarding their own future.

We are particularly proud of our Year 9 curriculum offer. It is a blend of finishing Key Stage 3 whilst preparing students for Key Stage 4 both in terms of selecting the right options and understanding the rigour of each subject area. After February half term, in the build up to students choosing their options, we give students access to and experience of subjects that they have not yet encountered as part of the National Curriculum or to explore those they have engaged with in more detail. Careful guidance is provided to families and supported by information evenings and individual appointments with senior staff to discuss the right options for each student. Students will then choose which subjects are best for them to commit further to in Year 10. For some, this will rightly focus on a core of Ebacc Subjects, but the route for every student is carefully discussed and considered. All students continue with the study of at least one Ebacc subject, in addition to the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. We also have ambitious plans for encouraging a growth in the number of students continuing to study a Modern Foreign Language. We believe that the ongoing process of guidance and consultation, offered by our options process, does not restrict access to the National Curriculum or breadth of opportunity.

Click the below link for Options process information

2024 Year 9 Options process information for parents 22.02.24

Key Decisions for the Options Process 2024: