Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities


Click here for the Studley High School SEND Policy

Click here for Studley High School School Information Report

Click here for SEND Information

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To enquire about SEND for a student at Studley high school please click the following:

The SEND Team

Mrs Monfardini Sendco
Mrs K Slack Learning Resource Centre Manager and SEND Administrator
Mrs Hill LSA – Lead on Interventions
Mrs Sharpe Teaching Learning Champion
Mrs Dixon LSA
Mrs Drust LSA
Miss Haywood LSA
Mrs Johnson LSA
Mrs Lee LSA
Miss Caulwell LSA
Mrs Leather LSA


It is our aim to enable all teachers in all subjects to meet the needs of all students through highly effective teaching and learning. All students have access to a broad and balanced mainstream curriculum alongside their peers. At Studley High School we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our students, whatever their needs or abilities. We believe that all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education, which will enable them to achieve their full potential. We consistently strive to secure special educational provision for students for whom this is required, that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum. For those that have Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) this can often mean greater engagement with parents/carers and/or outside agencies. Specific needs are identified at school entry or as soon as these arise. Staff are informed of these needs. We welcome parental involvement with this.

We recognise that the transition period is vital to ensuring a successful start to High School life.

Transition work starts throughout Year 6, with the Senco attending annual reviews for students with EHCPs who will join us in Year 7.

During the summer term, the Senco meets with staff from feeder schools to gather as much information as possible, and is available to meet with parents to discuss needs. Any recommendations from external professionals are also collated and a pupil passport is produced to ensure that all staff at Studley know how to support each student from their first day.

We arrange additional transition visits for students who need this, and they have the opportunity to meet key staff prior to arrival.

If you are concerned about an aspect of your child’s learning, development or attendance you can contact us at any time to discuss it. We will then do the following:

  • Gather evidence from all subject teachers and teaching assistants about your child’s academic, social, health & emotional well-being.
  • Arrange meetings in school to discuss what short-term support we can offer. This support follows the pattern: assess > plan > do > review.
  • We gather the relevant information and share it with all the staff at Studley High School.
  • Identify a key worker who is your single point of contact.
  • Monitor your child’s progress regularly using the school’s reporting system.

Parents/Carers are encouraged to contact the SEND team if they have concerns regarding Special Educational Needs & Disabilities.

We address the various barriers to learning of all students ranging from:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and Sensory Needs
  • Medical Conditions and Disabilities
  • English as an Additional Language (where applicable)

Support may also be provided in the following ways:

  • Additional visits to the school in Year 6 as part of our transition arrangements. These might include joint attendance at formal Review stages or one to one/small group work
  • Targeted in-class support from Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)
  • Targeted subject interventions
  • ‘Pupil Passports’ for Individual Students that highlight needs and requirements
  • Small group work, for example understanding emotions and social skills.
  • Targeted support, for example: reading, mentoring, speech and language, emotional understanding and regulation.
  • Specific workshops on identified needs with students and/or parents
  • Adaptive/scaffolded materials to help students to access the curriculum
  • Support with homework (including homework club and a personalised approach to homework)
  • Access arrangements for school and external examinations
  • Support from external professional such as SEND Supported (Cognition and Learning and Autism Support), Educational Psychologist (EP), Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)
  • Strong links with the Pastoral team
  • Access to our Student Support Centre

Please visit the SENDSupported website.

The Child and Adolescent Health Services provides support to children and families where the young person is experiencing significant mental health difficulties. Professionals who work with young people with mental health issues can make a referral in order to gain support from CAMHS. If you are concerned about your child then contact your GP.
SENDIASS provides a free information and advice service to those with SEN and their parents or carers.
The Independent Parental Special Education Advice service provides a range of services to help families get the right education for children and young people with a range of special educational needs.
Child Law Advice provide specialist advice and information on child, family and education law to parents, carers and young people. They cover a range of tops including Special Educational Needs.
The Worcestershire branch of the National Autism Society aim to provide information and support to those with autism and their parents or carers.They aim to represent the needs of people and families affected by ASC and raise awareness and help influence change in the Worcestershire area.If you would like to find out more information on NAS and what they are currently working on then please contact them via email [email protected] Or visit their social media sites:Facebook @nasworcestershirebranchTwitter @worcnas
ASPIE runs in Worcester town centre specifically for adults with Asperges Syndrome. They provide a welcoming environment where people can feel comfortable and accepted. They invite and encourage members to engage in various discussions, games, workshops, quizzes and other activities, though they pride themselves on not pressuring members to do so and have ample room for members to simply chill if that’s more your style.
Free Autism Awareness Training is provided. This can be something that you yourself can take, and also signpost friends, families, work colleagues etc to for a better understanding of the condition autism. The training is completely free and easy to use.
Here2Help is a community action scheme, originally dedicated to helping those who needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now evolving the service so it offers advice, support and help to a wide range of services across Worcestershire. Here2Help has been such a success, we have expanded the range of resources available. Here2Help will provide support for people of all ages and is available for both residents and organisations to access information, advice, tools, guidance and local support available to them or others in the local community based on their needs.

The Autism Support Group meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month, from 8pm-10pm, for parent meetings. They have a variety of speakers attend the meetings and have meetings where parents have opportunities to chat and exchange ideas. They also organise family activities once a month, usually on a weekend.

The address for the meetings are:- Red Lion Pub (function room), Red Lion Street, Alvechurch, Worcestershire, B48 7LG. People can contact them via their Facebook page Bromsgrove and Redditch Autism Support Group. Or via email: [email protected]

Our FREE service supports parents of children and Young people 0 to 19 years and facilitates a variety of evidence-based groups for parents. The groups give the opportunity to learn new strategies build their confidence and strengthen their family relationships.

Our groups are both informative and supportive.

SKY Autism meets at Simon and Kate’s house 47 Alexandra Rd Malvern WR14 1HE. Meetings are from 7.15 to 9pm. For more information join the closed Facebook page SKY-Special Kind of Youth or call Simon and Kate on 01684-564183 or email Simon on [email protected]. Meetings are free but you can donate if you wish.

In the last 2 years the group has started a popular social skills group for young autistic people aged 16-30. This group is running by autism specialist, Yvonne Charrot, and meets once or twice a month at The Foley Arms (Wetherspoons Pub) on the Worcester Rd in Malvern from 5.30 till 8pm. Yvonne has a topic each meeting which encourages the young people to interact and then the group eats supper together. The meetings are free but the meal costs up to £10. We are now considering fundraising to attempt to start a social skills group for 11-16 years old’s also. More funds would also allow us to organise trips for both groups.

BENS is a peer support group based in Redditch for children who are finding life a challenge. The group works with children to help them develop communication skills and encourages interaction with one another.

They advise to call or email to check eligibility and availability. Click on the logo to visit their Facebook page which provides contact details.

Established in 1984, Where Next Association is a local Redditch charity providing work experience and training for people with learning disabilities or those disadvantaged in some way.

Where Next offer work placements within a range of industries, which enables the person to gain experience in a working environment, whilst building new friendships and increasing their self esteem and confidence among other benefits.

Visit their website for more information. Where Next caters to people aged 18+.

The following organisations may be of further support to parents:

The National Autistic Society
British Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia Action
ASD Friendly
PDA Society
The Dyscalculia Centre
Warwickshire County Council – SEN
Warwickshire SEND
Living with ADHD
Young Minds

Nasen (the National Association for Special Educational Needs) have launched the SEND Gateway, an online portal for all education professionals working with children and young people with SEND aged 0-25.
If you are a parent of a child with SEN you may find it useful to browse the resources, information and documents available on the site below:
Log in information:Email: [email protected]
Password: StudleyHighSchool