It is the aim of Studley High School to make the examination experience as stress-free and successful as possible for all candidates.

Hopefully the information and links below will prove informative and helpful for you and your parents. Please read through each section carefully and make sure you are aware of the examination procedures and regulations, thus preventing any problems occurring during the exam period.

We are required to follow the strict criteria from the awarding bodies (or examination boards) therefore pay particular attention to the Information for Candidates sections.

If you or your parents have any queries or need help or advice at anytime before or during the exam period please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions.

GCSE Timetable Summer 2024 (v2)
Information for candidates
No mobiles
Preparation Information
Warning to Candidates
Contingency Days
Exam Equipment
GCSE Results email collection form
GCSE Results third party collection form
GCSE Certificates third party collection form

Exam Contingency Plan 2023-2024
Internal Appeals Procedure (Internal assessment decisions) 2023-2024
Internal Appeals Procedure (Reviews of Results and Appeals) 2023-2024
Internal Appeals Procedure (decisions relating to AA and Spec Con) 2023-2024
Complaints and Appeals Procedure 2023-2024
Access to Scripts, Reviews of Results and Appeals Procedures 2023-2024

JCQ AI poster for students
Malpractice Policy – Exams 2023-2024
AI Use in Assessments