Carol Adkins :

Carol Adkins

Carol started school at Studley in 1957.

Carol recalls making "some good friends."

She also recalls being in 'Domestic Science' and the teacher left the room during which time, "someone threw a lump of dough at the ceiling which stuck and only fell down just as the teacher walked in!"

Carol remembers Mrs Ellis who was a teacher of shorthand and typing, she states she "set me up well for my first job."

Carol is now a retired Local Government Officer at Redditch Borough Council (Housing Department.)

Patricia Brown :

Patricia Brown

Pat joined Studley when it opened in 1955. She was a was a pupil at Mappleborough Green School until Studley was built. "When I started I was very much looking forward to the new gym and lab and cookery room....but in those days we were educated to be married, (yes, we even used to take our dad's shirts to school, to wash and iron!)". When Pat left Studley, she worked in the inspection section at the Needle Industries.

Pat recalls the Head, Mr Harper, who was very was strict, "I remember he threw a piece of chalk at me because I Iooked away from him! The best teacher was Mr Earl, the Art teacher and this was my favourite subject too. I always enjoyed painting. I liked PE too!"

Pat went to Redditch College aged 40. She completed O' Levels and went on to work for NACRO, Police and Sandwell Youth Offending Team. Pat retired at 69. 

Howard Davis :

Howard Davis

Howard started at Studley in 1954.

He remembers the Art teacher, Mr Williams who encouraged him to paint (which he still does!).

Howard is now retired, having owned and ran his own commercial debt collecting company. He has15 grandchildren 9 great grand children!

Keith Davis :

Keith Davis

Keith joined us in 1957.

He recalls:

Mr Harper was the Headmaster. I remember Hills coaches laid on transport. We would travel from Moorfields Alcester and my best friends were Dave Avery and Morris Cole.


I worked for a local paint sprayer for J.H.Wilcox (who turned out to be Toyah Wilcox's dad!)

I did have a hard life, bringing up 5 children alone, but always stayed working in a service industry in Licensed Retailing.

David Freeman :

David Freeman

David started at Studley High school with the very first intake!

He remembers standing outside to be sorted into relevant classes (whilst it was raining!).

I recall not being allowed to do home economics, wearing the carpet out going to the heads office (having to run around the playground with other pupils for making too much noise!), getting changed for PE. Lunchtime - using the table monitors system, it paid to keep on the monitors good side.

Members of staff he recalls: "Mr Stone P E, Mr Moiser woodwork, Miss Knut gardening, Mr Harper HT, Miss Skinner."

David retired after 12 years as a bricklayer due to an accident. He spent 25 years in the Civil Service and 20 yrs teaching assistant. I thoroughly enjoyed my working life.


Derek French :

Derek French

Derek joined us in 1957 (he thinks!) and particularly remembers Mr Harris (Maths) as being a teacher who was always encouraging and stretching capabilities.

Derek is a retired accountant (FCMA).

Paul Hodges (MBE) :

Paul Hodges (MBE)

Paul joined Studley High in 1957.

He remembers Mr Harper, the headteacher being, "a very strict man."

He loved cross-country and the road runs.

He left school in 1962 and having completed his training to join the Royal Navy, missed out on a post on the Ark Royal, with an injury.

He then joined the Fire Service, serving for 30 years before (nearly) retiring.

He was awarded an MBE in 2015:

I was presented with my MBE by Her Majesty the Queen. We spoke and she asked me about the work I had done, setting up the trauma support team."

Paul set the trauma support team up, voluntarily, which then became the critical incident debriefing unit. He rolled this out to various stations and was awarded his MBE for his commitment to this.

Margaret Pick :

Margaret Pick

Margaret Pick (now Payne) started at Studley High in 1957.

I believe it was 2 years after it opened when I started as I remember Roger Cornish and Mick Miller, both a year older then me always being on the school bus.

I remember Mr Earles' choir - he was everyone's favourite. Mr Jackson was a very firm teacher. I also remember Mr Matthews, Mrs Carter, Mrs Skinner, Mr Johnson, Mr Morris, Mr Grey, Mrs Swain and Miss Rose.

One of the school rules was that you always had to walk on the left-hand side of corridors or stairs.

After leaving school, Margaret worked in the local grocery and deli shop. Along with her husband she lead a committee improving Alcester, winning 'Britain in Bloom' every year. Margaret is still heavily involved with making the town a brighter place and is the author of local books.

Ray Watton :

Ray Watton

Ray started at Studley in 1955.

Ray remembers the first headteacher, Mr Joe Harper, "He was very strict about the kids touching the walls because they were all newly painted!"

Ray and his brothers continued with the family scrap business which their Grandfather started when he moved to Studley in the late 1890s.