Stuart Bell
Stuart started in 1995.
His favourite memory was playing gigs with 'The Badgers'!
He thought Mr German and Mr Russell were fantastic in his final year.
Stuart currently works as a Finance Manager for a Software Company as well as bringing up his family in Studley.Â

Kerry Blick
Kerry started in 1996.
I remember when I took my rat into school in my blazer pocket, they sent me home (obviously not impressed!) I also remember the last year we had the floats for the fantastic fete they used to have in Studley.
Kerry particularly remembers Mrs Stanley, Mr Pickett, Mr Kirk, Mr Jennings and Mr Jenkins.
"I have a fabulous family and I love running my household."

Jayne Bralee
Jayne joined Studley High in 1997.
Jayne's favourite teacher was Anne Marie OâDea, "She was a laugh."
Jayne is currently a stay at home mom to her little boy who was born prematurely.
She completed a Cache qualification Level 1 in Childcare in pursuit of a rewarding career. Jayne previously worked as a business development co-ordinator for a machinery logistics company. She also has a degree in Media Production.

Kaylee Dennis
Kaylee joined Studley High in 1997. She remembers the sound advice from her Business Studies teacher who used to say "wipe the sweat from your hand before you walk into an interview". She tells us it came in very useful later in life!
She recalls Mr German - (Maths) and is now a Housing Officer.

Alex Dudley
Alex started in 1999.
He remembers, "..hanging out in the music rooms and performing in various talent shows, trips to Vermont for skiing and music retreats at Ingestre Hall."
His favourite teacher was Miss Donna Brogan:
She made me change my options from History to Music at the last minute and I ended up getting a B in my GCSE's. She pushed me to be a better musician.
Alex is now an Independent Record Producer & Entrepreneur. He started his own music business in 2015 after finishing his Masters degree at the University of Wolverhampton.

Christopher Fay
Chris joined Studley High in 1996.
He recalls that "all my time at Studley was amazing!"
His favourite teacher was Mrs Finley and he's now working as a funeral director.

Alex Fox
Alex joined us in 1997.
Alex tells us that he has has too many memories to pick a single one, but a few 'stand out moments' were "the great trips we went on such as going to Canada for skiing in Year 8 and Alton Towers in Year 11."
Alex remembers Mrs Hughes (Languages) who was his form teacher in Year 8 and of course his teacher of languages. He recalls that she was a 'genuinely wonderful person'.
Alex is now a technical author for an IT company.

Emma Gardiner
Emma joined in 1996.
Emma's memorable moment in school was, "The time I got a bit too animated telling a story to my friends, flung my arms out in the corridor at the precise moment Mrs Gunde our German teacher walked past, hitting her in the chest...I've never been so embarrassed!"
Emma remembers Mrs Stevens (Biology) - she always looked forward to her lessons. She remembers the potato osmosis experiments and heart dissections!
Sue is now a Head Veterinary Nurse.

Jo Gilder
Jo Gilder (now Watson) joined us in 1992.
She recalls the school trip to Marle Hall, the French exchange and meeting her husband, Michael Watson (they've been together since school - 25 years this year!)
Jo remembers Mrs Stanley being lovely and Mr Kibblewhite being very funny!
She now works for Heart of England Mencap day services in Studley & Stratford, supporting adults with learning disabilities and loves it.
She has two boys, and one is now a pupil at Studley High School!
Gareth Grubb
Gareth started in 1993.
His memories:
I had a great time at Studley High. They where right all those years ago, they were some the best times of my life. Met some fantastic friends who I still see 21 years on. The year of 1993 rocked and I cannot believe it's been 21 years already.
About staff:
I really remember Mrs Stanley. She understood me and took me under her wing.
Gareth now operates a 42 tonne truck at a company in Evesham after serving for 8 years as a Royal Engineer.

Charley Hemming
Charley joined in 1999. Her memories of school are of Mr Picketts Science lessons and her English teacher.
Charley is a Childrens Support Worker and is currently completing her Social Care degree. She completed TEFL, qualified as a Teaching assistant, was offered a position working in English summer camps in Italy and Austria over the summer and decided to go to University when returned.

Stacey Hewitt
Stacey joined us in 1994.
Stacey tells us she has too many memories to recount but Mrs Stephenson was her most memorable teacher. "She was the nicest and most down to earth teacher."
She is now a Benefits Officer for Redditch Council.

Rebecca Higgitt
Rebecca Higgit (now Turner) started in 1997.
Iâve got so many amazing memories of my time at Studley High; particularly trips to Water World & Alton Towers, school discos(!) and music gigs (it was all about The Badgers!), productions and the Year 8 inter-form competition! For me though... being part of the netball team throughout my five years, was just the best!
I feel very fortunate that there were so many wonderful teachers at Studley during my time there. Depending on what I needed help with, there was always someone there, ready and willing to listen, help and advise. Teachers that had a really positive impact on me though, have to be Miss Chester, Miss Boden, Mr Pickett, Mrs Smith, Mr German, Mr Russell, Mr Grainger, Mrs Findlay and Mrs Eason. Thank you for making my time at Studley, so memorable.
I still live in Studley, with my husband and our two young daughters. I am a part-time Primary School teacher and have recently become a franchise owner of âBoogie Beat Music and Movementâ. I also still love playing netball, once a week (thank you, Miss Chester!)

Thomas Humphries
Tom started at Studley in 1995.
His best memory of school was playing basketball for the school team. He remembers Mr Baxter very well and is now running his own photography business. He used to be a chef but after working 16-18 hour days, he bought himself a decent camera, a ticket to Australia and started taking photos!
The rest is history..

Richard Jones
Richard joined school in 1997.
He remembers the school production of 'The Wizard of Oz' and Mrs Loft.
He is now a chef, inspired by the school kitchens, working at the RSC and then completing training at Catering College.

Elaine Kettle
Elaine joined in 1994.
She says she actually enjoyed school most of the time, "I had great friends which helped."
"I remember I would always try and meet a friend at the top of Castle Road to walk to school with and if I was late, I'd get a lift. Then I'd then run back down to the main road to meet my friend, as I hated walking into school alone."
I can recall small, silly things like being on 'reception' duty for two days. Every Y10/11 pupil did this, as far as I remember.
I hated the smell of the PE changing rooms, the 'new' building turning up (where we had English lessons), German exchange program, practice interviews and completing our a Record of Achievements etc. The more I think about it the more I remember.
Elaine's favourite teacher was her Physics teacher who encouraged her to do the higher paper in Science GCSE. "She believed in me and I'm so grateful for that..and I did do well which proves teachers know their students. I always remember this when I'm pushing my own students now, to do their best."
Elaine is now a teacher at a private school abroad.
Lydia Meredith
Lydia Meredith (now Venus) joined in 1996.
She fondly remembers the talent show for Year 9 Enterprise and Mr Wake, Maths Teacher.
Lydia is now an Executive Assistant at NEC.

Jennifer Mole
Jennifer Mole (now Robinson) started in 1997.
I have too many memories to mention but stand out memories relate to the French exchange I took part in 2 years running - I can still hear Mrs Hughes reaction as a coach driver circumnavigated the Arc de Triomphe roundabout!
My favourite teacher was Mrs Hughes - a lady whose enthusiasm was never dampened even when faced with seriously challenging pupils!
Jennifer now works as a Communications Manager for Sheffield Hallam University and she loves her job. She's married to a Yorkshireman who she met holiday. Sheffield is very much her home now.

Cara Prewitt
Cara joined Studley in 1999.
She remembers Mrs Boden as being a very supportive teacher.
Cara now works for an Occupational Health company.
Chris Renwick
Chris started at Studley in 1997.
His favourite memories include the French exchange in 2000/2001.
He says, "It was a great laugh, awesome exchange student, teachers were a great laugh too. Even the coach journey was great!"
Kevin remembers Mr Pickett as being "firm but fair, a great bloke."
Kevin is now a Training & Development Officer, at Bristow & Sutor civil enforcement agents in Redditch.
Amy Ridgard
Amy started at Studley in 1999.
Her memories include:
Mr Kennaugh as headmaster who everyone was wary of, but he was an awesome headmaster. Being called the worst year for behaviour but the best for sports.
I remember Mrs Ingram English teacher, always encouraged me to write and embrace my imagination. Mrs Joyce for Maths who even though she was a little scary, always gave you her time (if you asked for it) to help you if you were struggling.
I test forklift trucks. I originally wanted to be a design engineer but I found it uninspiring.
I didn't do engineering in school because I was told there wasn't a class (there was, it was full of boys) but I didn't let it stop me, I did resistant materials. The workshop assistant (cant remember his name Mr Grant I think) always made sure that the girls in the class had chance to use all the machines available ensuring we had the same opportunity as the boys.
Nicola Rollings
Nicola started at Studley in 1997.
Her favourite memory was being chosen at a PTA disco to be 'fun day queen of Studley' in the Summer of 2000.
She remembers Mrs Joyce - who was, "...the first Maths teacher I had that made Maths fun for me. I thoroughly enjoyed her lessons, finding them both challenging and rewarding.
Nicola is now a chartered accountant (ACCA) after spending 9 years in a finance role.
Since having a family I returned to Studley High School to work in finance and a teaching assistant role within school back in 2017.
Andrew Smith
Andrew joined Studley in 1992.
His memories include Mrs Hughes, (French):
"She put up with my complete ineptitude for the subject and Mr Baxter our PE teacher who was a really nice guy even though I was totally unfit and hopeless at all sports!"
His stand out teacher was Mr Jennings (CDT):
...he got me my first job and was a great inspiration to me. I'm an Electrical Engineer working in construction, I found my first job through Mr Jennings and worked for that company for 17 years before moving on for a new challenge.

Sian Thompson
Sian Thompson (now Smith) joined us in 1993. She has many fond memories of school including her favourite urban myth which was the 'AVFC tattoo that Mr Jennings the CDT teacher had hidden under his beard on his chin!' She also remembers the Year 9 production of 'Music through the Ages' and Year 10 production of 'Little Shop of Horrors.'
Her favourite teachers were Mrs Hughes (French and Year 9 form teacher) and Mrs Scarlett (Drama).
Sian still lives in Studley, married to Andy Smith (another former pupil) and has 2 children. She is self-employed and her business is Cloverleaf Business Development. She is a freelance Sales and Marketing Manager.

Simon Tunley
Simon joined us in 1994.
He remembers the tuck shop at the back of the kitchen, at break. They served a bacon burger which he found 'delicious.'
He also recalls accidentally spilling glue all over Mr Pickett once, "that didn't go down very well and I will always remember Mr Jennings (Engineering) with his 'lime green Saab'."
He now works for Webbs Garden Centre (Hagley) as a supervisor. He's worked there since 1999.

Kirsty Weaver
Kirsty Weaver (now Brookes) started at Studley in 1993.
Her best memory of school, is "becoming Head Girl" and also going to Marle Hall.
Her favourite teacher was Mr Jenkins and she now works as a registered Manager at a care company.

Michelle Wheeler
Michelle (now King) joined Studley in 1992.
Her favourite memories were "..the friendships formed, drama performances and French exchange."
I once drew a caricature of our bald-headed, bearded CDT teacher and our Physics teacher found it. I thought I was going to get in trouble but instead he made copies of my drawing and pinned them up around the school!
Her favourite teacher was Mr Grainger (Music), "....he gave me the opportunity to take Music as an additional GCSE outside of lessons, and supported and encouraged me in the subject which ultimately contributed towards my pursuing it as a career."
Michelle is now a Course Leader and Lecturer in Performing Arts at an FE College and freelance Musical Director, Actor and Musician.

Felicia Whitehead
Felicia joined us in 1991.
Her memories of a school trip to Israel stand out to her, "Our trip to Israel for a week for R.E was amazing. We visited lots of different places including, Bethlehem, the ruins of King Herod's palace, Dead Sea, Jesusâ tomb, The Wailing Wall, River Jordan plus many more which I canât really remember as was quite a few years ago (1996). She added, "I know itâs a trip Iâll never forget."
Felicia recalls Mrs Lott (Home Economics) who was her form teacher, "she was so lovely and treated us as adults, she listened and helped if we ever got in to trouble - a teacher you could really trust & respect."
Felicia is now a foster carer and says that it definitely has its ups and downs. She loves working with disadvantaged children, "the most rewarding part of my job is seeing a child go from strength to strength knowing itâs because weâve given them a loving family home with rules & boundaries. Iâve fostered since 2003 as well as having 4 children of my own."